Visas Counselling Services Available!
Caer ~ Sidi has been successfully providing an in-house visa counselling service, including preparation of files and interviews, for Nepalese, Tibetan and India clients to our featured destinations in EU, UK and Canada. We are delighted to offer this service with individuals travelling under our ToR arrangements.
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" Welcome to Caer Sidi, The Island of Crystal (R) "
Caer Sidi, The Fortress of the Fairies is mentioned in the Book of Taliesin (Lewis Spence). That Caer Sidi (Camelot) was the Seat of rituals and initiations for Healing and Divination of an extraordinary vitality and importance to the Celtic psyche is no new thesis . But that it can be re-awakened today, simply through a comparative experiential study of Grail Lore and Himalayan Tantric Shamanism is a testimony we want here to share with you.
One of the Island of Crystal, or Caer Sidi, is the Celtic, Cathares, and Knights Templar sacred archaeological Mandala situated at the entry of the Gorges du Verdon, some 150 km northwest of Nice, South-of-France.
It was the seat of rituals and initiations for healing and divination practices, which originated from the Black Sea (Wisigoths and Scythes Central Europe) and the Asian Steppes (Kelts and Huns), and continued into early Celtic-Roman times and later Holy Grail Mary Magdalene Lore.
The word Sidhe (also spelled Sidi, Sidh, Sid, Sith ...) may be regarded as the standard term for "fairy" in the Gaelic tongue of Scotland , Wales and Ireland. While some reliable authorities further stress that Sithide or Sithde is the genitive of Sithd, a female fairy, Gaelic records Sidhe as also implying "hill" or "mound". Mounds and hills often are both graves and abodes of the elves.
But the Caer-Sidi today has become much more than an old mythical or archaeological Keltic remembrance, because it is and always has been a vision and a time gate vortex of things that needed to be transmuted, understood, digested, organized from seeds of the higher planes (Termas) to the cumbersome fragmentary human mental subjective capacity of attaining the higher consciousness realms.
From being a Grail Quest path where Chivalry may be dancing on the rope, it has today become a rope-bridge itself, linking three poles : that of the local Verdon heritage as first obvious anchorage, to the enfolding emergence of a new vision of Dharma enfolding within youth's cultural revolution in Nepal as second pole, then to the emergence of new paradigms and their supporting geo-political economy in Asia and the world at large.
In the Celtic, Roman and Templars times, Caer Sidi had been the seat of rituals and initiations for healing and divination practices (Mary Magdalene Holy Waters), amongst which some originated from the Black Sea and the Asian Steppes with the successive arrival of Scythes, Wisigoths and Arianists migrations, which itself led to the Holy Grail Lore, Mary Magadalene legends, and later Cathares and Templars Troubadours allegory.
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